Ghost Handprint Halloween Cards

1 Mins read

Growing up, I made so many crafts for the holidays. Tissue ghosts for Halloween, cards for Valentine’s Day, and ornaments for Christmas. And thirty-something years later, I’m still crafting! Parents love handmade gifts. And you know what? Grandparents absolutely love handmade gifts from their grandkids. I will shower my parents with handmade gifts from my kids for as long as they’ll agree to make them. The first thing we’re making for the season are these Ghost Handprint Halloween cards.

The goal for this project was to make cards for our family to help welcome Halloween and bring a smile to their faces. From my twenty-one month old to my five and a half year old, this is an activity for all ages. They had a lot of fun with these. Once our oldest started making his handprints, our youngest was eager to follow suit.

Ghost Handprint Halloween Cards

Making the Ghost Handprint Halloween Cards

You only need a few supplies. White paint, black paint, googly eyes, black construction paper, and another color construction paper (like orange or purple). Basically, just paint your kids hands, press on the black paper, and repeat on the paper. Cut them out, add googly eyes and paint a mouth. Glue to the colored construction paper, and add your holiday note.



  1. Paint the palm side of your kid’s hand with white paint.
  2. Place their hand on black construction paper, press firmly, lift it up.
  3. Repeat until you fill up the paper and let them dry.
  4. Glue googly eyes to each ghost, and use black paint to give them mouths. Adding mouths are optional, just give them some kind of face.
  5. Cut out the ghosts and leave a border of black paper around the hand.
  6. Fold or cut in half your colored construction paper and glue ghost handprints to the paper.
  7. Write your spooky Halloween note on your cards and add some other festive decor like these bats!

Ghost Handprint Halloween Cards

634 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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