I’m always in favor of change when you need it. Why wait until a new year to change? However, the second half of 2018 was a learning curve for us as parents. Life was thrown up into the air and we needed a reset. When our son was born was reset number one. Although it took 6-7 months, I think we’re finally in a good groove.
I didn’t realize it, but I was making these little changes about myself. It was this year that most of my clothes fell apart. I gave up on clothes I’ve had in my closet as early as high school. Yes, that’s too long, but I’m a creature of habit. When I like something I keep it and wear it into the ground. As I was piecing together my new wardrobe, I realized I was trying to look like a cool dad: a jean jacket, cool new Nikes, and a slew of new blazers. I switched my Polo Black out for Bleu de Chanel and swapped my go-to Warby Parker frames for a new style. I mean, I’m going crazy over here (haha). This feels like reset number two.
New Year, Same-ish Us
Going into 2019, we decided to make a few resolutions. To better ourselves and create good habits for our family.
- More efficient Target runs. Does anyone else always spend exactly $70 on a Target run? Sometimes it feels like all of our toiletries run out at the same time. Even worse when we run out of our cleaning products at the same time! But most of the time, I don’t even know what we buy! So we’re going to watch that spending and make runs more efficient by cutting them from every weekend to once or twice a month.
- Read more. I don’t want to put a number on this, but one book a month is our goal. We were doing so good up until the holidays, and then…the holidays happened.
- A more balanced diet. I tried Keto for a week. Cue the eye rolls. I couldn’t do it. I did such a good job meal planning and prepping for the week to make it as easy as possible. But temptation gave in and I missed my sugary coffee and sweets. Plus, if we’re both not doing Keto, it makes it harder to cook two different meals. So, we’re going to focus on a much more balanced diet. That started on Monday after our skillet nacho dinner on Sunday.
I hope to make this last indefinitely. For anyone who is resetting their lives or taking on challenging New Year resolutions, we’re here to support you.
Keep up the good work. You do you, boo. That looks good on everyone.
Enjoy these inspirational quotes to get you fired up for the new year, turn up your music, and check out our classic, frozen margarita recipe.