
#LoveSummer: Mt. Washington (Booze) Cruise

1 Mins read

Summers on Lake Winnipesaukee have been a staple in our vacation plans for over two decades. We would spend a hot summer day, all day on the boat tubing, zipping around to different islands, and exploring various bays, coves, and inlets. Since we’ve always been on our boat, we’ve never had the need to try out a cruise on the Mt. Washington.


The first Mt. Washington ship was launched 1872. Today, the ship holds 1250 passengers and is a popular cruise for schools, proms, and weddings.


My uncle gifted Fatima and I passes to the Mt. Washington for our wedding. When we were up at the lake for 4th of July, we decided to take a trip on the Mount. To our surprise, we discovered a champagne brunch cruise! Bringing my sister along, we boarded the mount for a two and half hour round trip journey from Weirs Beach to Alton.


Aboard the ship, brunch was buffet-style and included options for champagne or mimosas. Other drinks were available for purchase. Views from the ship give a whole new perspective to the lake. It was a gorgeous day and I was so glad we got to take the trip. It was great to experience the lake as a tourist for the day, and we had a lot of fun aboard the ship.


636 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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