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Brian’s Picks: UncommonGoods

3 Mins read

This post brought to you by UncommonGoods.

As Christmas gets closer, panic sets in as we try to figure out gifts for the hard-to-buy people in our lives. Our friends at UncommonGoods broke out their best gifts ‘for him’, ‘for her’, and for stocking stuffers to make it easy for us to find the best and most unusual gifts for the people in our lives.

Why do we love UncommonGoods? For one, they’re located right in Brooklyn! They support and provide a unique platform for artists and designers – over half of what they sell is made by hand! The company keeps creativity at its core. UncommonGoods offers a big selection of really unique products, making it easy for you to find that perfect gift. Here are my handpicked gifts for some of the people in my life.

For Her: Fatima

Fatima loves a thoughtful gift. She’s hard to shop for, which makes finding the perfect gift an adventure.

  • Tea-to-Go: Like her mother, Fatima loves tea. Cold brewed or hot, anytime is a good time for tea. Since she’s always on the go, this travel-ready tea infuser is perfect for her because she’ll be able to take her favorite brews with her, where ever she goes.


  • Upcycled Indonesian Batik Bag: Always in need of a bag for packing stuff for work, grocery shopping, or a Target run, Fatima will put this gift to good use.

indonesian bag

  • Story of the Earth Bracelets: If Fatima could make her arms longer, she would. One thing Fatty loves to wear are bracelets. She must have a million: Pandora charms, a few from my trip to Africa, from vacation spots, and a few DIY ones from her sisters. What’s a few more?


  • Caterpillar Bud Vase: Fatima loves her flowers. Now, she’ll be able to display some of her favorites in this unique and very cool vase.


  • Stocking Stuffer: Talk about picky. Fatima is always hungry, but never knows what she wants to eat. This should help her out.

foodie dice

For Her: My Mom

The one thing mom mom loves, are useful gifts.

  • Fruit Infusing Ice Balls: My mom loves her Nutribullet. She loves all of the different kinds of smoothies you can make. But she also loves a good fruit-infused glass of water. Now she can freeze some of her favorite fruits ahead of time and enjoy these all summer long.

infused ice

  • Slate Cheese Boards: My mom loves wine, but she has way too many wine glasses. When she breaks open a bottle of wine, she’ll always have a side of cheese and crackers. Now she can present her latest cheese finds on this slate board (and write in chalk what each cheese is!)


  • Chakra Bath Salts Set: Last year, Fatty and I gifted my mom DIY sugar salt scrub because she loves her baths. She’ll love these bath salts.

bath salts

For Her: My Sister

  • Gardener’s Seat: My sister’s Garden Thyme posts have been a great addition to our blog. As she continues to grow and cultivate her gardens, I want her to have the tools necessary for an all-day gardening adventure.


  • Sari Bag: Colleen is always on the go. Running to her salon, an at-home hair appointment, vet appointments, and back and forth to the garden. She won’t be able to leave anything behind with this bag.

sari bag

  • Stocking Stuffer: I don’t know what the world’s obsession with Owls is lately, but my sister loves them. She has Owl candles, plates, sculptures, and pictures of them all around the house. Now, she’ll have a mug.

owl mug

  • Stocking Stuffer: A gift her garden too! Now she’ll be able to bring all the bees to the yard to pollenate her flower gardens.

bee feeder

For more gift ideas for the women in your life, see more here.

For Him: My Dad

If it’s one thing we can all agree on it’s that my dad is the hardest person to shop for.

  • Toggle Switch Plate: As an Electrical Engineer, my dad loves cool gadgets, both analog and modern. This light switch would be an awesome addition to his train room.


  • Dog Blueprints: This would be the perfect gift to hang next to Fatima’s pick for my dad. We all love Hayden (family dog) very much. My dad would really love this gift.

dog print

  • Chillsner: Whether my dad is watching the big game, hanging out on patio, or lounging in the sun on his boat, his beer will always be cold.


For more gifts for the men in your life, see more here.

For Him or Her: Friends

  • Entertaining on the go: Our friends love to entertain, and they love to bring wine. Now, while they’re traveling from Brooklyn to our apartment on the upper east side, they can keep their white wine chilled.

wine chiller

  • Friends who knit and crochet: Keeping your balls of yarn in one place is hard, especially if you have cats. This would be a great gift for our friends who love to knit/crochet.

yarn bowl

  • Friends who like to have fun with their food: I can name at least five people who would appreciate this gift. How fun!?

hoop bowl

  • For the trendy: The Moscow Mule Mug is the next mason jar mug. Get one for each of your friends.

mule mug

For more stocking stuffer ideas, check out more here.

636 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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