Looking back at some of our first posts, we’ve come a long way – in both recipes and photos. In 2011, we started sharing our food adventures on my personal Tumblr page as new Hofstra University alumni. We wanted to share easy, savory recipes for college students and young professionals who were on a budget. Shortly after our first few posts, we launched our blog, formerly known as 2 Broke Cooks. We chugged along and our little blog grew up with us. In 2013 we rebranded to Lilies and Loafers. Whether this is your first post or you’ve been here from the start, Thank YOU for reading!
This little blog has seen countless Marquisritas, experienced three Manhattan neighborhoods, our wedding planning and marriage, watched us kick butt in our day jobs, and has seen many of our friends and family join as guest bloggers. This upcoming year, we’ll be celebrating year two of marriage and the big 2-7. We’re excited to see what comes next.
After five years you’d think we’d have everything under control. But every new post and picture is a learning experience for us. While I didn’t get to make that Apple Pie I wanted to bake over the weekend, I got to make this cake to celebrate our blogiversary.
Funfetti inside, turquoise crusted buttercream outside. I admit, we used a boxed cake mix. However, I made the frosting from scratch following a recipe from i am baker. It was delish. Don’t you love the color?! I used a combination of ‘Sky Blue’ and ‘Teal’ Wilton icing gels to get this color. This project was more about the outside of the cake than the inside. It gave me a chance to try out my skills on the decorative roses. Please don’t laugh, this is my first attempt!
While they were a little difficult to construct, I’m so proud of how the cake turned out. We’ve also been trying to step up our staging, realizing that not just delicious food makes a great photo. Fatima did a wonderful job at setting up this birthday corner using things we found in our apartment. We cut out stars and taped them to skewers and used those as cake decorations. And those Pineapple Tumblers will forever be used in our posts.
Thank you for your continued support and readership over the last five years. We appreciate everyone who visits our site and everyone following along on our social accounts. We can’t wait to see what new adventures await. Stay tuned!