ChristmasDoing Good

Toys for Tots and Giving Back

1 Mins read

For over 25 years my best friend Jim and I have hosted an annual Toys for Tots party for the US Marine Corps in Wallingford, CT. In the past several years, we have averaged over 5000 toys per collection. Jim and I share the same birthday, December 18th. Instead of celebrating our birthday, we throw this toy collection party to benefit the kids in New Haven County.

Toys for Tots

We are very lucky that multiple businesses in Wallingford and the surrounding towns have joined us in our efforts. Christmas and the holiday season is the one time of year we can focus on those who might not be as fortunate as you and your family. Jim and I love putting together this annual collection party. We bring the community together for a good cause. We get to help families across our local area. Just knowing that children across Connecticut will wake up on Christmas with a new toy and that we had some part to play in that, is a great feeling.

Toys for Tots


We are also fortunate that our families have stepped up and help us in many ways such as collecting toys at their prospective businesses, set up for party, collecting toys the day of the party, being the elves and Santa’s helpers for the day and evening, and our social media outreach. We’ve been able to make this event a teachable moment for the kids in my extended family and what it means to give back to your community.

Toys for Tots

This Christmas more than ever, please take some time and give to those less fortunate. Whether it be through gifts, monetary, food, or your time. Giving back to your community is very important.

Toys for Tots

If you’re local to Connecticut, we hope to see you at our event on December 14, 2016.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!

Toys for Tots

4 posts

About author
Holly is Brian and Fatima's favorite aunt ;) She is a hard working mother, wife, and very active in her local community. When she's not at work, she's at one of her daughter's sporting events with her husband, or hanging out at one of her sisters' houses with a glass of wine.
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