All RecipesToddler Food

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

2 Mins read

Brian and I were excited once we got the green light from the pediatrician to start Liam on solids. In the beginning, it was a slow process, but he went from rejecting oatmeal to wanting nothing but oatmeal. Our son is just like me when it comes to eating. If his oatmeal is not the right consistency (thick), he refuses to eat it. My mother would call that karma. But now that he’s a little older and can sit up on his own, which is a requirement to eat certain things, I’ve been able to give him a lot more options.

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

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Brian purchased this book called Real Baby Food (makes an appearance in our podcast photo) when we found out we were pregnant and it’s been a gold mine of delicious recipes. Recently, I made the rosemary roasted pears. I will be making this dish at least once a week for the little guy (and maybe for me, too).

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

You are probably thinking this sounds like some bougie AF baby food, which I will admit I thought the same. But most of these recipes are simple. They just take it up one notch in the cooking method (roasting) and/or flavor (rosemary). I spend more time making Brian and me food, so of course I don’t mind putting in the extra work for my munchkin.

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

This Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food tastes bougie AF. I’d eat this.

This recipe required me to slice the pears and roast them in the over for a half hour. I pulsed them with a mixer to my desired consistency and added the peanut butter and chopped rosemary. The original recipe called for almond butter, but we recently introduced Liam to peanut butter and we wanted to continue on that. It was so nerve-racking having him try peanut butter for the first time. We love peanut butter so much, so it’s partly for selfish reasons we were concerned.

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

Whenever we try to get Liam to finish his food, we usually have to perform a song and dance–usually Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas gets the job done. But with this meal, there was no singing necessary. We were practically scraping the bowl to give him more. Brian and I have peanut butter running through our veins, so I should have known he would like this so much. The pears were a perfect vehicle for the peanut butter and the rosemary gave it that hint of freshness while breaking up that peanut butter taste.

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

Some days it’s a lot of work to make his food and it’s just easier to pick up a jar of baby food. But I believe in having a balance and controlling what’s in your food. So we put in the extra effort so we’re preparing his food 85% of the time. I also want Liam to be exposed to as many flavors early on. Not many baby foods add flavors and spices. Making his food is working for us now, but talk to me again when we have more than one kid to feed.

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

Rosemary Roasted Pears

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By Jenna Helwig Serves: 8
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 30 minutes Total Time: 40 minutes

Contains almond/peanut butter.


  • 4 ripe pears (Bartlett pears recommended)
  • 2 tablespoons of peanut butter
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • ½ tsp of rosemary, finely chopped



Preheat oven to 375 degrees.


Peel and slice pears into out 8 slices each.


Toss pears in the olive oil to coat evenly.


Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper and spread slices evenly onto it.


Roast in the oven for 30 minutes until golden.


Let them cool slightly and pulse them to a mixer (or smash with fork) until you have the desired consistency.


Our son is learning how to chew, so we left some small chunks.


Stir in the peanut butter and rosemary.


Store in a container.


  • 100 Calories
  • 18g Carbohydrates
  • 1g Fat
  • 4g Fiber
  • 1g Protein
  • 1mg Sodium
  • 11g Sugar


We used mini mason jelly jars to store the extras. It can stay fresh in the fridge for 2-3 days.

Rosemary Roasted Pears Baby Food

103 posts

About author
Fatima is the head of creative and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. She’s a mom of two adorable boys. In her free time, Fatima enjoys meditation, scrapbooking, and reading with her sons.
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