I grew up eating ramen noodles when I was younger. They were my go-to after school snack. I would make them in microwave and eat them while doing homework. I never added anything else to them, the broth and noodles were enough for me. The first time I had homemade ramen with all of the bells and whistles was with a group of college friends in the East Village. It had peppers, chicken, greens onions and so much flavor. After that experience, it became harder to go back to ramen straight out of the cup.

My sister came to stay with us for a couple weeks during the pandemic. She doesn’t eat meat, so I had to get creative with all my recipes. You never know how much meat you eat until you have to cook for a vegetarian. We were a week and half in and I was running out of ideas. If I cooked one more pot of rice and beans I would have cried. Before she came to visit, I did reintroduce ramen packets back into my life and had been waiting to get more creative. So I went to the store and picked up whatever looked good to me and got to work.

Noodle on ramen noodles
This was such a hit at my house. I ended up making this 3 days in a row. In case you didn’t pick up on the theme, when my sister likes something she doesn’t mind eating over and over. The recipe was easy, fast and affordable to make. I would say I will never eat plain ramen again, but I would be lying. I think this is the perfect recipe to take your ramen from lunch to dinner. If you are not a fan of peppers or carrots then swap it out with mushrooms and onions to make it your own. When I made this for Brian and I after my sister left I substituted the vegetable broth with chicken broth for a different taste. I hope you give this a recipe a try and tell me how you put your own spin on it!

Ramen Noodles
- 2 packs of ramen noodles
- 2 cups of vegetable broth
- 2 cups of water
- 1 small red pepper, cut into strips
- 1 small carrot, sliced into thin strips
- 2 tsp of grated, fresh ginger
- 2 garlic cloves, minced
- 1 tsp rice wine vinegar
- 1 tsp sriracha
- 1 tsp soy sauce
- 2 hardboiled eggs
- ½ cup bean sprouts
- ¼ cup scallions, chopped
- 1/2 packet of ramen chili powder
- Lime, cut into quarters
In a medium skillet, heat olive oil on medium high heat.
Add ginger and minced garlic to the pan, and cook for 2-3 mins. Stir consistently to ensure it doesn’t burn.
Drop in peppers and carrots. Cook about 3-4 minutes until tender.
Add water, broth, white wine vinegar, sriracha, soy sauce, and half pack of the ramen chili powder. Stir together, bring mixture to boil and then lower heat and let simmer for 5 mins.
Taste the broth and modify accordingly. My sister loved it spicy, so I added a little more sriracha to hers.
Add noodles from ramen package and cook until they're done.
Drop half the noodles, vegetables and broth to a large bowl. Top with bean sprouts, green onions, and halved eggs.
Squeeze a quarter lime over the dish and serve hot.