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New York Style Cheesecake

September 12, 2018
New York Style Cheesecake

Cheesecake and I have a love-hate relationship. It’s not that I don’t like to eat cheesecake, I love it, but I fail at baking it. Towards the end of Fatima’s pregnancy, she started to crave cheesecake. A few Magnolia Red Velvet Cheesecakes later, she still had her cravings. Even after our son was born, the cheesecake cravings remained. She was looking for a true New York Style Cheesecake.

New York Style Cheesecake

Fatima says the best Cheesecake is at Junior’s. But not just at any Junior’s, you have to go to the original Brooklyn site. However, when I think about going to Brooklyn, I want to cry. So after searching around, I found this recipe from Better Homes and Garden.

New York Style Cheesecake

I made this New York Style Cheesecake all summer.

The only springform we have is a 5-inch pan. I initially cut this recipe in half (the filling) and it still made two 5-inch cheesecakes. For the crust, one graham cracker sleeve and half the butter was the perfect amount for both the 5-inch cheesecakes. When I first made this cheesecake, I forgot the flour. It wasn’t a huge mistake, but when I made it again, it was noticeably better. It was a true New York Style Cheesecake.

New York Style Cheesecake

I tested this cheesecake a few weekends before Father’s Day and to satisfy Fat’s cravings. Other cheesecakes I’ve tried to make involved water baths and fillings. This did not. For whatever reason my water baths always get into the cheesecake. So I was happy not to have to do one.

New York Style Cheesecake

New York Style Cheesecake

Fatima has a discerning palate. When she doesn’t like something, it’s usually not good. When she likes something, it’s a humongous compliment. Needless to say, she loved this cheesecake and that’s why I’m making this New York Style Cheesecake (again) for her birthday today.

New York Style Cheesecake

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