Liam's Train Time

Liam’s Train Time

2 Mins read

You guys, we started another YouTube Channel called Liam’s Train Time! It’s a family-friendly channel for you and your kids. It’s focused on all things toy trains (and some of his other toys).

Liam loves his Thomas and Friends track layouts. He loves building them with me, and I love building them with him. We have so much fun together. Sometimes, we just build layouts and clean them up! That’s how I play The Sims. I’m not in it for the Sims, I’m there to build and design the house, landscape the yard, and move on haha!

Liam's Train Time

We try to keep screen time to a minimum and have only just started dabbling in the world of YouTube videos for kids. Liam gravitates to the track building videos. One day, Liam asked, “Can I start a YouTube Channel?” I was really torn on this one. So I said, “What do you want to do?” He said, “Show everyone my trains.”

Liam’s Train Time

It seemed simple enough. I scoped out some ideas, brainstormed some formats, did a little light market research, and came up with a game plan. Liam was happy with the plan, so we started making videos. The goal is to have fun. But we’re experiencing some crazy growth right now. I didn’t expect us to get to 500 subscribers–ever–let alone in less than two months! The new goal is to keeping having fun and see where this goes…

Liam's Train Time

What I love about our channel is the focus on problem solving and teamwork. I don’t sketch the layout out ahead of time. We are building these layouts in real time. Liam will look to me to lead the layout, but I make sure he gets to make an impact. We have so much fun building the train layouts together. At the end, I love sending the trains around to make sure they can access every part of the track. You’d be surprised how easy it can be to get stuck in one loop!

We have rules. We limit face time. Liam calls all the shots. If he wants to make a video, we make one. When he wants to stop making videos, we’ll stop (sorry in advance if we stop once you get hooked). We also explore some of Liam’s other interests, per his request. He does science experiments with Fatima, shows us his Cars collection, we build LEGOs, and play with his Paw Patrol squad.

If you have kids and want to check us out, head over to YouTube and be sure to subscribe!

636 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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