Millennial and Parents

Liam’s Birth Story

3 Mins read

Dear Liam,

The hours leading up to your arrival felt like they happened years ago. But just a few weeks ago, we welcomed you to the world. We wanted to remember the day’s events, so here’s your birth story as told by your parents.

We planned on meeting you on June 3. But it seems you wanted to meet us sooner. What a wonderful Mother’s Day surprise! Here is your birth story.

Liam's Birth Story

For sake of dramatics, we’re going to start this story on Saturday, May 12, 2018. Your dad went to the gym as usual, allowing your mom to sleep in a little more. At this point, your mom needed as much sleep as she could get. It would be safe say your impending arrival started to sink in. Your dad, with his lists, accomplished everything he needed to do that day. He wanted to make sure we were ready for you. Your dad’s type-A personality came out in full force. While your mom was getting ready, he put the last few things in the hospital bag. Something was telling him you were coming soon.

On Mother’s Day, your dad made your mom a big breakfast: home Fries, eggs, and cinnamon rolls. When your mom got up, dad noticed a wet spot on the couch. Was that your mom’s water breaking? After talking to the doctor, he wanted to us to come in to confirm.

Liam's Birth Story

11am and we’re at the hospital. Anxiety and excitement started to settle in. But your dad made sure it didn’t show because your mom was already so anxious.

By 1:30p, she was 4cm. We were here to stay and checked into a labor and delivery room. Shit was getting real.

We waited, we swayed, massaged, and walked around. Then a gush of fluid ran down your mom’s legs. If you’re going to be anything like your parents, you’ll understand how uncomfortable it is to have water thrown at you when you’re not expecting to be wet. Maybe that’s everyone? The contractions began. They got more intense. Your mom got up to sway and get massaged by dad. Nothing seemed to work.

Liam's Birth Story

Every contraction got more intense. Your dad would coach your mom through every one. Making sure she knew that at the end of all this, we’d be meeting you.

Around 6:45pm, our nurse, Helen (who is one of the most amazing people on that floor), and the doctor came in to check on your mom. After the doctor left, Helen turned to us and said she wanted to try some new positions to give more room to the baby and start pushing. Your dad’s face just stared at her like he didn’t understand, “Oh…so we’re doing this…now?!” It was time to push.

The moment your dad saw your head crown, he was in disbelief. And even though your mom reached down and touched your head, we were still in denial all of this was happening. You would think that 8 months of appointments, ultrasounds, poking and prodding would help sink this in. It wasn’t until that moment, that the two of us, were about to be the three of us.

In just 20 minutes of pushing, you arrived at 7:05pm, screaming your head off (that’s good by the way). The doctors, and I believe Nana J, caught you on the way out. They lifted you up and placed you right on your mom’s chest. In that moment, everything stopped. All the feels came out. Your mom looked at you and couldn’t believe what she just did. Your dad looked at you laying on your mom and just cried. All happy tears. A trio of doctors swooped in to check you while you relaxed on your mom. In just a few minutes, your cries stopped and you realized you were finally sitting on top of the human that you had been setting up camp before you were ejected.

Liam's Birth Story

Your mom and dad just stared at their son.

Liam's Birth Story

An hour went by and it was time to check your weight. While you laid there, screaming your head off (again that’s good!), your dad walked over to you. He stuck out his hand and you reached for his index finger. He started talking to you and you just held on tight, stopped crying, and opened your eyes. You seemed like you felt safe again.

You were a perfectly happy, healthy baby with a great set of lungs. We just couldn’t believe you were here.

Liam's Birth Story

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22 posts

About author
Fatima and Brian are the co-founders of Lilies and Loafers, your go-to place for delicious recipes, easy DIY, and occasional parenting advice. Check out our podcast, Millennial and Pregnant, for our journey through Fatima's first (and another) pregnancy.
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