I think this tea ritual started because Brian insisted we keep the windows open, all year long! Even when it was snowing and 10 degrees outside, the windows would be cracked. So, I had one of two choices: put on a ton of layers and drink tea or break up with him. So, we sit on the couch every night, me bundled up in 10 layers and Brian in his boxers; each drinking a cup of tea.
Brian and I moved in together over 5 years ago. I know, you’re doing the math and thinking, “Wait they just got married 2 years ago!” We both needed to know what it was like to live together before we got married. You know, ‘try it before you buy it?’ Also, have you tried getting a one-bedroom apartment in NYC? It was either live alone or eat something other than ramen noodles.
My love for tea started when I got my first tea set as a kid. I remember going down to the corner store with my sisters and picking up Little Debbie snacks to have at our tea parties. Maybe the tea party was just an excuse for the Little Debbie snacks. Either way, that excuse turned into an obsession. Last January, we went to London when I was on a business trip. At every client meeting, there was a steaming pot of tea and I felt at home. My day was made.
Many people don’t know the many benefits of tea. For example, green tea is high in antioxidants and promotes healthy cell growth. Black tea lowers the risk of heart disease and diabetes. White tea is great for lowering cholesterol and blood pressure. Chamomile tea is great for treating sleep and stomach trouble and is also the one Brian and I have every night. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor so please consult with your doctor for all health related items.
Over the holidays, my in-laws stocked us up with all the tea. Loose leaf, chamomile, and green. My mother-in-law found these delicious rosemary lemon salt and chocolate orange spice cookies as a snack for us to pair with our tea. When we got back to the city after Christmas, Brian and I had a lazy day where we tried all types of teas and nibbled on the cookies to begin celebrating National Hot Tea Month!
Whether you are looking to bond with your significant other, keep warm, find a excuse to eat tiny treats or look and feel healthy, tea is the answer! Celebrate all the benefits of tea this month, since January is National Hot Tea Month.