Surfing Facebook one late night of trying to soothe Liam, I stumbled upon an edible cookie dough video from Tasty. It was perfect timing. The video showed you how to make a base dough and get four different types of cookie dough out of it. While I appreciate chocolate and cookies and cream cookie dough, I was only interested in the peanut butter and chocolate chip.
I started off by cutting the recipe in half. I knew I’d be the only one eating the cookie dough and I couldn’t have too much sitting in the fridge. The recipe takes off by making the base dough, which is the chocolate chip cookie dough, and splitting it four ways. Since I was only making two of the doughs, I split the recipe in half.
Starting to make the edible cookie dough.
The recipe was simple to follow and had pretty much everything I thought would be in an edible dough. However, the one thing that surprised me, was having to bake the flour for five minutes. This kills bacteria in the flour. I thought the eggs were the only things to worry about. Noted for the next time I need to use make a no-bake dish with flour.
For the chocolate chip cookie dough, I just had to add the chocolate chips. For the peanut butter, I added Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, mini M&Ms, and peanut butter. I mixed it together and let it firm in the fridge for a bit. The melted butter was still keeping the dough soft.
At first, the peanut butter edible cookie dough was very sweet. I have a high sweet tolerance, so this surprised me. However, when I tried it the next day, it was delicious. I learned to love the peanut butter cookie dough more than the chocolate chip. However, the chocolate chip cookie dough is something I could see snacking on more often (aka it was easier to consume in larger portions haha).
If you love cookie dough, then I think you’ll love this edible cookie dough. Although I haven’t tried the other two, I’m sure they’re just as delicious. Let me know what you think!