Enjoy your baked potato. To help you get through the day, I included my baked potato recipe below. You’re allowed to use butter. This will be your complex carbohydrate. For the rest of the day, eat your favorite vegetables until your stuffed!
Today on the cleanse, was not as bad I thought it would be. That baked potato was a little taste of heaven this morning. I made sure to find the biggest potato for this breakfast.
Baked Potato Directions:
- Preheat your oven to 400 degrees.
- Poke the potato with a fork or something sharp a few times on each side.
- Brush olive oil or butter over the outside of the potato and rub salt over it.
- Place it right on the rack and bake for 45 minutes or until tender. Place a cookie sheet underneath it – the butter/oil will drip.
- Remove your potato from the oven.
- Slice the top with a sharp knife.
- Pinch the ends of the potato. It’ll pop open from the fluffy white interior from the skin.
My day on the cleanse consisted of:
- Cucumber (Yes, I know, it’s a fruit)
- Carrots
- Red, Orange, and Green Peppers
- Snow sugar peas
I thought this would be the hardest day on the cleanse since it was going to be my first whole day at work. I wasn’t sure how hungry I was going to be at work, so I packed 2 large tupperware containers full of vegetables. By 4pm, they were gone and my bladder was full! I felt a little light headed, but not in a bad way. Now that I read that, I realize that sounds really bad, and I should have gone out to the nearest sandwich shop to buy a sub. But I felt my mind was clearer, and I was walking on air. I felt really good and energized.
By the end of the day, I was a little hungry – as I ran out of vegetables at work. I got home and chowed down on my vegetables. Mostly carrots, cucumber (which I stupidly used as a “vegetable”), snow peas, and peppers. I like the sweetness of the peppers, so I’m finding myself eating more of those. I did get a little headache by the end of the night. I’m drinking lots of water and eating when I feel hungry. And eating A LOT!
Fatima decided to eat a stack of oreos in front of me. I feel like my nose has a heightened sense of smell; those oreos smelled delicious. Their aroma intensified and I was smelling them from across the apartment – then again, our open concept living room-kitchen is tiny. Is is just me, or were there a lot of food and restaurant commercials on TV last night?