ChristmasDoing Good

25th Annual Toys for Tots

1 Mins read

It is 2015 and we are well on our way to celebrate our 25th annual Toys for Tots party this year (2 weeks away). Many years ago when we started to collect toys for children in need (as opposed to celebrating our birthdays on December 18th), we started in my apartment with close friends and collected 20 toys.  My best friend Jim and myself share the same birthday. That year we gave the toys to the local welfare department.

Holly and Jim

With the help of family, friends, the community and The U.S. Marine Corps Toys for Tots program, we have collected well over 50,000 toys over the last 24 years. All of these toys benefit towns in New Haven County. It is by far one of our greatest accomplishments each year.

US Marines

People always say you must get ripped off having a birthday so close to Christmas. When I was younger, sure I probably thought that way, but now I tell people to come to our event and see the 4000+ toys we collect in one night. People are happy, toys are piled high and the generosity of people is in all its grandeur.

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. This year, our event is scheduled for Thursday, December 17th, 2015 @ Gaetano’s Tavern on Main in Wallingford, CT from 5:30-8-30pm.

Toys for Tots

4 posts

About author
Holly is Brian and Fatima's favorite aunt ;) She is a hard working mother, wife, and very active in her local community. When she's not at work, she's at one of her daughter's sporting events with her husband, or hanging out at one of her sisters' houses with a glass of wine.
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