My good deed for the month is done. I found a cell phone on the train and returned it to its owner. And I have horrible handwriting…

On the car ride up, Hayden wanted to sit on our laps. He did not appreciate being placed in the way back.

My new favorite obsession is Dark Chocolate M&Ms.

My Dad is strategically placing these charging ports around the lake house.

Look who I woke up to on a beautiful Saturday morning.

My dog loves to cuddle, but he only likes to be the little spoon.

Good morning from Winnipesaukee.

Another shot of the lake.

Good morning Winnipesaukee.

First launch of the season. Hello Summer!

A storm is brewing…

It’s a book about a dog. In different places. You have to find him.

Can’t complain about this meaty lobster roll from Town Docks.

This is the storm that hit us, and we are heading into.

Heading into the storm – do you see the blue skies behind us? We should have stayed put.

After taking the boat out of the lake, the skies cleared up.

Yard work!

Beautifying the lake house landscape.

Not a cloud in the sky on Sunday.

Sunday was gorgeous! We skipped across the lake to Wolfeboro for the day.

It is what it is.

Cookie dough ice cream with peanut butter cups from Bailey’s Bubble – some of the best ice cream on the lake!

It’s gorgeous out.

Family selfie in Wolfeboro harbor.
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