
Super Mario Costumes: Halloween 2023

1 Mins read

Another Halloween is upon us! When brainstorming for our Halloween costumes this year, Fatima and I looked to our kids. What did they do this year, what did they watch, what were they obsessed with? We had short list: Cars, Paw Patrol, Super Mario. Spoiler alert, we went with Super Mario costumes.

Cars was easy to remove from the list. Too involved. We seriously considered Paw Patrol. We looked at how we could do Paw Patrol and Super Mario without needing to buy a whole costume we’d never use again. However, last year’s Spider-Man costume got a lot of mileage.

Super Mario Costumes

Putting Together the Super Mario Costumes

We wore our costumes for our town’s Halloween parade. The kids walked down the center of town, businesses set up stands for the kids to trick or treat, and then made our way to the main park for more Halloween activities. Liam decorated a pumpkin, we danced, and shared some donuts.

This year’s costumes were lo-fi. We used clothes from our closets, and purchased a few accessories. If we had to buy something, I wanted to make sure we could use it beyond Halloween. The shirts and the overalls have already been worn to school. The hats? Now living in the make-believe trunk. My Bowser shell? A new pillow for the kids.

Mario & Luigi

Mario Costume

Luigi Costume

Princess Queen Peach


Super Mario Costumes

636 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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