Loving scallops so much, my mom decided to start buying them at the seafood market and cooking them herself. She came up with an easy and delicious way to make seared scallops. This is her recipe…
Seared Scallops
- 1 lb scallops
- 1 tbsp of butter
- 1-3 tbsp of olive oil
Place a skillet on Medium heat.
Once hot, add in butter and olive oil. My mom gave us the direction to add 3 tbsp of olive oil, but we ended up only needed 1 tbsp.
Once the butter and olive are mixed, wait for it to start bubbling.
Score one side of the scallops (cut an ‘X’ about a quarter to halfway down the scallops).
Once the olive oil and butter are bubbling, place the scored side of the scallops down on the skillet.
Check the bottoms to see if they have golden browned, and flip to sear the other side – about 2-3 mins on each side.
Remove from the skillet and enjoy!