Halloween is right around the corner! This past weekend, we hosted our annual Marquis Halloween Party, and there were some amazing Halloween costumes. It’s weird to think that only a year ago, at last year’s Halloween Party, we announced our engagement. And now, about a month later, we celebrated as newly weds! More on that at some point, I PROMISE!
Every year, we strongly encourage our guests to come in costume and bring a carved pumpkin. At the end of the night, everyone votes for Best Costume and Best Pumpkin. Last year, we won Best Pumpkin with our Minion Pumpkins. Winners usually get a bottle of wine. This year, we decided to make trophies to award our winners – in addition to the wine 🙂
Our Best Pumpkin Trophy:
Our Best Costume Trophy:
If you’re stuck and can’t find a costume, or low on creative juices, here is a handy little breakdown of some of our favorite costumes from our Halloween Party.
After many conversations, we decided to go as Salt and Pepper. All of our creative juices went into the Wedding last month, and all we secretly wanted was to walk around in sweats. So we’re the non-ironic salt and pepper.
My aunt came as road kill. We loved the tire tracks on her face. When she was tired of holding her board, she took it off and then referred to herself as “hit and run.”
My uncle was a one night stand. Loved it!
My sister (aka Garden Thyme) had a red shirt and glued a bunch of pom-poms on it. Love the DIY in this costume.
When my aunt walked in, I thought she was Cher. And yes, we made her dance to “Half Breed.”
My dad scared all of the kids, including a few of the adults.
We love a person who embodies their costume. My cousins Michelle and Jeff arrived as FLO from Progressive (she had all the poses ready to go) and Elvis. We agreed Jeff should move to Vegas and work as an impersonator.
Who does’t love penguins and the movie Ted?
Aunt Jean showed up costume-less. When I asked her what she was, she said “Aunt Jean.” She ran into the bathroom and emerged as a Nun. She could’ve walked right off the set of Sound of Music.
Last year, my 93 year-old Nana won the costume contest when she arrived as a heavenly angel. This year, she flew in on her broom stick.
OITNB (Orange is the New Black):
Red, Pornstache, and Piper. My mom is Red (hair and makeup by Colleen).
She looked so good. I had to get a photo of her running the kitchen.