I have about four packages of English muffins sitting in my fridge. I rarely buy them at full price, so when there’s a sale for buy one or two get one, two, or three free, I’m all over it. Usually, after a 45 or 60-minute climb, two egg sandwiches are breakfast. As you can imagine, I go through these English muffins quickly. Which is the opposite of how long this recipe takes to make.
I’m glad I tried making these. It was fun, they were pretty good, but they were not worth my time. If I thought I could dedicate every or every other weekend to making these, they may be worth the savings in sodium. Between making them, waiting for the dough to rise, baking, and cooling, you lose a whole day. An actual day because you’ll need to let the dough rise overnight.
For this recipe, I went to Bon Appetit.