ChristmasElf on the Shelf

Elf on the Shelf: Stories from Diagon Alley (Part 1)

1 Mins read

Christmas must be right around the corner if Harvey is back in our apartment. After he got in late last night, he filled us in on his adventure in the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. In an effort to change careers, Harvey traveled there thinking he was cut out to be a wizard…

The first stop on any budding wizard’s journey is Diagon Alley. As he entered the alley, he came across a House-Elf Placement Agency. He vowed he would not end up here.

Elf Placement Agency

After an unsuccessful visit to Olivander’s, Harvey started getting some strange looks as he strolled down the alley. As the kids began to chase him, he ducked around a corner. Little did he know he found himself on Knockturn Alley. He knew he took a wrong turn…

Knockturn Alley

It took a while to make it out of the shadows, but he needed a disguise. Harvey thought that if he looked like a Hogwarts student, maybe he’d be recognized as a wizard. Before sneaking onto the Hogwarts Express, he ducked into Madam Malkin’s Robes to find a disguise.


Stay tuned for more stories from Harvey’s journey to come!

Disclosure: this is not a sponsored post. All pictures of Harvey are mine and are not for advertising/marketing purposes. Just the enjoyment of another Elf on the Shelf Story.

636 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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