Refreshing the photo frame reminded us how much we love it. Living in New York City, you’re already space-challenged. Forget frames on the windowsills because you’re lucky if you even have a window! And the last thing we want to do is put a million holes in the apartment walls. This photo frame makes it easy to use almost all of the photos you want to display and it makes a beautiful piece of art.
A part of us wanted to make a larger, taller collage and rest it against a wall, but knowing the challenges this city has with space and apartment size inconsistencies, we knew we had to draw a line with this frame. However, we’ll save that project for our ‘forever home’. We love the one we have now, and look forward to refreshing this every year!
Disclosure: Brian is an employee of NBCUniversal. This post was not sponsored by NBCUniversal nor did/will Brian receive anything in return for this post. This post has opinions of Brian and Fatima and not of NBCUniversal. Brian and Fatima are HUGE Harry Potter fans and have waited for the right time to visit The Wizarding World of Harry Potter.