Millennial and Pregnant

Diaper Basket

2 Mins read

I’m not even going to pretend like a diaper basket is a novel idea. But I put this together for our second born and let me tell you how convenient it’s been. Super convenient.

Diaper Basket

We all know newborns poop and pee like 10+ times a day, right? Who wants to be running back and forth to the changing table all day? Not me. Ths diaper basket is the perfect solve for that. A baby sleeps in your room for the first six months, right? Again, I’m not running back and forth to the diaper stockpile at 2am.

This little basket (found at Home Goods) keeps all of our needs for changing our newborn. It’s got diapers (duh), wipes, a changing pad, extra clothes, pacifiers, bibs, swaddles, and a few other essentials. Eight weeks later, and now it holds the Moby Wrap. Liam loved the Moby when he was a baby and it’s so useful for when you need both hands and your baby wants to go with you. Our second born is warming up to the wrap, but soon he will love it, too…

Can we talk about the changing pad? We had the same one for Liam and wore it out, so we got a new one to use with Blair. It’s so helpful because the changing pad is zippered to a larger pouch where you can store diapers, wipes, and other essentials (basically a diaper basket on the go). The zipper makes it convenient to rip off the changing pad to be on its own. It’s one of our favorite products we’ve used for both kids.

The best part of this diaper basket? It’s so mobile. You can take it around the house with you as you move from room to room.

Diaper Basket

Ubbi Diaper Pail

From Diaper Basket to the Garbage

What about all those diapers? Sure you can use the garbage, but how often are you running the garbage outside? My guess is not that often. We had a diaper genie and loved it. However, the smell of the used diapers just lingered and was absorbed by the plastic. At times, the diaper smell also escaped the Genie. We did a little more research and found that Ubbi to be a better option. It’s made of steel, has a child lock, and a cute little door to drop in a diaper. But the best part? We can use our own trash bags and not a predetermined pack or knock off pack to save money. So far it’s been a great choice.

Ubbi Diaper Pail

636 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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