All RecipesBirthdayDad Bakes CookiesDessert

Brian Turns 30: Dark Chocolate Chip Cookie Cake

2 Mins read

Every year on my birthday, I think about what kind of cake to celebrate with. Sometimes it’s a Magnolia hummingbird cake or one from scratch, or it’s a slice from a restaurant, or it’s a classic vanilla sponge with chocolate frosting. However, most of the time, I’m baking it from scratch. I love a homemade cake. No frills, classic. But it’s my 30th birthday, so I wanted to try something new. Why would I start my thirties with something tried and true? This year, I’m celebrating with a homemade cookie cake.

Cookie Cake

I kept going back and forth on what exactly I wanted. For whatever laugh or weird pleasure I got out of it, I set an alert thirty days before my 30th birthday. On August 11th, the alarm went off. I started to think about all the things I needed to plan for. But what did I need to plan for, really? The cake, duh–oh and maybe dinner plans.

Cookie Cake

What kind of cookie cake?


Growing up, I pretty much had one type of cake. A teddy bear cake baked with love by my mom. I loved those cakes. A giant sheet pan in the shape of a bear. If I remember correctly (and I say that because the photo below is not what I remember what my cakes looked like), she’d style the bear a little differently each year, but decorate it in the likeness of my teddy bear, Teddy. A pale yellow bear, my cakes were also pale yellow.

Teddy bear cake

50-50 & Miscellaneous

I share a birthday with my cousin (and brother-in-law, and co-worker), and sometimes we’d have joint birthdays. And yes, one cake. Half would be themed for me and the other half for my cousin. Then I turned 16 and a giant photo of naked baby Brian was printed on the cake. And then I turned 21; I think I skipped cake that year in lieu of shots. But since Fatima and I settled into our home in New York City almost eight years ago, we’ve celebrated with cake. Did I mention we share a birthday week?

Cookie Cake

Back to me

Back to brainstorming about my cake for my 30th. One thought that crossed my mind was to recreate that teddy bear cake; hashtag nostalgia. I found a pan, but I have two issues with the pan. 1. Why is it $16? I couldn’t justify that on one pan. 2. I already have a pan problem; I collect them. Where would this one go? So the teddy bear cake was scrapped.

Cookie Cake

Then I thought, what about a cookie cake? But would I make a cookie cake, as in a Mrs. Fields cookie cake? Or would I make a layered cake with giant cookies? It wasn’t until last week that I decided to go for the large cookie cake (like Mrs. Fields).

Cookie Cake

Hello Mrs. Fields-ish.

Searching, searching, searching, and I finally came across this recipe. What I loved about it is how moist it looked. I love a dense, underbaked cookie, so this photo had me at that. I opted for dark chocolate chips (great tip) and chocolate frosting on the perimeter. The cake I wanted had to be something I haven’t had on my birthday, yet it had to be classically delicious. This was very easy to make and will satisfy your cookie cake cravings.

Cookie Cake

Now excuse me, while I enjoy the rest of my day and continue sipping on this margarita.

Cookie Cake

635 posts

About author
Brian is the head of content and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. He’s Fatima's husband and dad to two adorable boys. In his very little free time, Brian enjoys baking with his kids, kicking back and listening to scripted podcasts, and building complex wooden train layouts.
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