Cleanse Day 3: A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No Bananas (yet), no potatoes.
I licked an oreo today. I didn’t eat it, but I licked it, just once. Maybe twice…Those are just the cravings talking, not hunger.
Surprisingly, I felt really good today on the cleanse. Energized, cleared mind, and lighter. I started off the day with guacamole (modified): 1 avocado, red pepper, a pinch of southwestern spice, onion, and lime juice – delicious! This was Fatima’s brilliant idea. Why not mix up the fruit and veggies into something I would enjoy eating anyways?
I filled up on cantaloupe, watermelon, grapes, carrots, and snow peas before leaving for work. I packed 2 big Tupperware containers with cucumbers, carrots, snow peas, peppers, strawberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, and grapes.
Around 11am, I started snacking on some of my fruit. At lunch, I cleaned up the veggies, and then snacked all day on the fruit. Like the previous two days, when I felt hungry I ate. Between all the water, veggies, melons, and cantaloupe, my bladder felt like it was going to explode.
By the end of the day, I felt great. I felt some hunger on the verge, so I hurried home to restock on food. Apples, melons, carrots ended my night.
I am looking forward to tomorrow! I get to eat a “Wonder Soup.” I bought all the ingredients tonight, and threw them into the crock pot. That will start my day as breakfast…
I literally burst out laughing at that first sentence.