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Dad Bakes Cookies

Dad makes the best cookies, cakes, and pretty much every dessert on this blog.

All Recipes/ Dad Bakes Cookies/ Dessert

The Ultimate Peanut Butter Cup

July 19, 2012

Are you a sweet tooth looking for that ultimate summer treat?  Try this delicious Peanut Butter Cup recipe. When to make and consume these: 1. in the summer, 2. when your sweet tooth is calling, 3. in November during Peanut Butter Lovers Month haha. I would like to give credit to a few websites and their reviewers with whom I combined some of the recipes, reviews, and comments in order…

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All Recipes/ Dad Bakes Cookies/ Dessert

Chocolate Chip Cookies

July 14, 2012
Chocolate Chip Cookies

What’s more American than Chocolate Chip Cookies? The chocolate chip cookie was a delicious accident.  It was discovered in 1930 by Ruth Graves Wakefield, in Whitman, Massachusetts.  Owner of the Toll House Inn, a popular restaurant that always supplied a good home cooked meal.  Ruth’s cookbook, published in 1936, featured a recipe called “Toll House Chocolate Crunch Cookie,” and soon became a popular treat across the country. Using bits of…

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