I’ve fallen down the rabbit hole with these chocolate chip cookies. I bring you a reimagined chocolate chip cookie for Spring. I know, ground breaking. I used this recipe and added in Cadbury mini eggs. Yes, that’s it.

Anyone else love mini Cadbury eggs? Our friend, Stephanie, shared this indulgence with us many years ago. We’ve been hooked ever since.

Making the Cadbury Egg Cookies
My mom made those cute bunnies for my son last Easter. He loves them. He’ll say, “See one bunny? See two bunny? See three bunny? All the bunny!”

When making these cookies, slow down on the chocolate chips. In addition to the full bag of Cadbury egg cookies (yes, Lent will be over so indulge away), you may only need a 1/4-1/2 cup of regular chocolate chips. I dropped in a half bag of them, and the chocolate-to-cookie ratio was a bit too much. Alternatively, you could make the regular cookies and just drop some eggs on top.