This summer has been H-O-T, HOT. No one asked for this. The one, very small smidge of a silver lining in this pandemic has been not having to commute to work. I loved having a no-commute summer while I was parental leave. I have not missed traveling in the heat. To combat the return of the heat over the weekend, I took some of our favorite cocktails and turned them into boozy popsicles!

Our watermelon margarita and huckleberry lemonade cocktails were two inspirations for these boozy popsicles! We had some rosé leftover so I whipped up a strawberry lemonade rosé popsicle, too Yep, just whipped it up. I tried to keep these true to their cocktail counterparts, right down to their simple syrups.

The watermelon and huckleberry popsicles use flavored simple syrups. I’m not big into using simple syrup in general, but for some cocktails, I’ll use them. I love the basil-thyme simple syrup the best (used in the watermelon popsicle). A mint simple syrup is used in the huckleberry lemonade and gives it a refreshing taste.

Where can I find recipes for these boozy popsicles?
To make these popsicles, you’ll need a mold! Here’s the one we used. You’ll want to make these ahead of time, plan the day before. Since we’re adding in alcohol, they will need a little extra time in the freezer.

Recipes right here: