Millennial and Parents

Black Maternal Health Week 2023

2 Mins read

Yesterday kicked off Black Maternal Health Week. Black women in America are three times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women. This is on top of the fact that women in America are dying at a higher rate from pregnancy-related causes than in any other developed nation. Black Maternal Health Week is a reminder that so many families experience pain, neglect, and loss during what should be one of the most joyous times of their lives. It is an urgent call for action. Read more about the President’s proclamation.

Black Maternal Health Week

Within a few weeks after moving outside the city, I found out I was pregnant with our second child. We were excited to grow our family, however some of that excitement was overshadowed by my fear of finding a new doctor. With the support of my husband, I decided to stay with the same doctor that delivered our first son. This decision meant I would be traveling an hour to New York City to get to all my appointments.

Black Maternal Health Week

Of course the traveling didn’t bother me too much in the beginning. I would only have two appointments every three to four weeks. One appointment for my ultrasound and the other a check up with my OB. However, as time went on, my belly and feet got bigger, the weather colder and the trip started to take a toll. By week thirty-five, I could no longer could fit into any shoes except these slip on sneakers I purchased during my first pregnancy. Slip on sneakers and winter don’t mix. Thankfully in my final weeks, I managed to find some winter-friendly shoes that fit. 

Black Maternal Health Week

Black Maternal Health Week

So why did I choose to put myself through all that traveling and harsh winter weather? There were plenty of OBs in my area, but what I was afraid of was how I would be treated and whether I can trust them with my life. I did my research. I stuck with the same hospital because their statistics were much better than hospitals in my area. Making a decision about your OB and hospital is a life or death decision for many black women in America. Black women are three times more likely to die from pregnancy related complications than white women.

Black Maternal Health Week

This why Black Maternal Heath week was established. This campaign serves to amplify the voice of black mothers and center the values and traditions of the reproductive and birth justice movement. In President Biden’s proclamation, he noted the importance of understanding the consequences of systemic discrimination has on black mothers.

Black Maternal Health Week

103 posts

About author
Fatima is the head of creative and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. She’s a mom of two adorable boys. In her free time, Fatima enjoys meditation, scrapbooking, and reading with her sons.
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