We had to make these twice. One thing I hate about moving is getting used to the oven. You’d think every oven would cook the same way. It doesn’t. Gas cooks more evenly than electric and all-electric ovens cook at various speeds depending on how new or old they are. Our oven is brand new and very efficient. I have to be mindful about checking on things within 15 minutes of the time they need to be done. The first batch dried out 10 minutes before they were supposed to be done. The middle was fantastic, but the edges though…
I am not a brownie-edge person, I’d rather a giant pan of ‘middle’ brownie. My friend Jared loves the edges and we’ve had heated debates over this. I’m the person who will cut the middle out and leave no apology. The second time I made these, I removed them 15-20 minutes before they were done. They were near perfect but could have removed them a little earlier.
Taste Testing Boxed Brownies. What a task.
What we love about the boxed stuff, and I see you food snobs with your noses in the air, is the convenience. Most of the time, a boxed brownie or cake mix is better than one made from scratch.
Are they better than our favorite boxed brownies? Short answer: no. Keep in mind, this is comparing them to the dark chocolate, fudgy boxed brownies. Don’t get me wrong, these are delicious. They remind me of Fairytale Brownies. I would love to make these again, but make them fudgier and with dark chocolate. What a task we have to burden ourselves with, but someone’s got to do it ;).
Be sure to check out Butternut Bakery’s Better Than Boxed Brownies!
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