Do you want fries with that? I don’t know why this is ever a question, but of course! When I go out to eat and have a burger I must have fries with it. I think my love of fries is largely due to my love of ketchup but that’s a whole other blog post. I do not discriminate on the types of fries I love. My passion for fries ranges throughout the many styles; thin, steak, waffle, Cajun; the list can go on and on. There is no question about it; fries are not the best for you, but what if I told you we made them better for you?

Baked Fries

To take the guilt out of eating fries, Brian and I altered the way we make fries. Instead of frying the potatoes, we baked them. You wouldn’t know the difference! The fries came out just as crispy as if you fried them without all the oil. The secret to any fry is texture and you are not going to be disappointed. Baking allowed them to be less oily and more crispy – which is just the way I like them. This recipe is perfect to add to your summer cookout list and it gives your guests an amazing pairing with their burgers.

Baked Fries

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Dinner, Lunch
Serves: 4-6
Prep Time: 10 minutes Cooking Time: 25 minutes Total Time: 35 minutes


  • 2 Russet Potatoes, peeled
  • 2 tsp olive oil
  • Pinch of salt



Pre-heat oven to 400 degrees F.


Boil water in a medium-sized pot.


Slice potatoes into long 1/4 inch thick strips.


Place in boiling water for about 3 mins.


Remove potato slices and pat dry. Add to a medium-sized bowl.


Drizzle olive oil over the slices and toss to evenly coat.


Lay out the slices on a tinfoil-lined cookie sheet and sprinkle with salt.


Place in the oven for 15 minutes or until 1 side is golden brown.


Flip over and cook for another 5 minutes or until the second side is golden brown.


Remove from the oven and let sit for a few minutes before consuming.


103 posts

About author
Fatima is the head of creative and co-founder of Lilies and Loafers. She’s a mom of two adorable boys. In her free time, Fatima enjoys meditation, scrapbooking, and reading with her sons.
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