About Lilies and Loafers
This space is used for Fatima and Brian to share their favorite recipes, DIY projects, parenting adventures, and other inspirations to help you live your best life. Whether you’re planning a party for 3, 5, or 30, looking to make a gift for someone special, or just need a delicious meal on a Monday the whole family will love, you’re in the right spot. They keep it easy and simple.
About Fatima and Brian
Fatima and Brian met in college, after graduation moved to New York City, and were married in 2014. They first became parents in 2018 and a family of four in 2022. Fatima is the photo stylist, cleaner-upper, the blog’s head chef, taste-tester, and the family’s CEO. Brian is the photographer, mess-maker, the blog’s pastry chef and mixologist, and keeper of the family calendar.
Family is their focus and is the inspiration behind every recipe, project and story. Welcome to our lives in the northeast, we’re happy to have you join us.
Who takes your photos?
All images appearing on Lilies and Loafers are photographed by Brian and Fatima unless otherwise noted. Love the styling? That’s all Fatima (sometimes Brian).
What camera + lens do you have?
A Canon 60D body and a handful of prime lenses. Depending on the subject, lighting, and overall look, we’ll use a 24mm, 35mm, or 50mm lens.
How do you edit your photos?
Lightroom for photo library management and quick edits. Adobe Photoshop for graphics and other advanced edits. However, most of the ‘editing’ is done during the photo shoot. We strongly dislike the term ‘fix it in post,’ something that was ingrained in Brian while studying TV/Film production. So we spend more time working on the photo shoots than editing the pictures.
Why Lilies and Loafers?
We wanted a name that represents the both of us. Fatima’s favorite flowers are lilies. Her favorite kind (and one of the first bouquets Brian gifted) are Peruvian lilies. Brian is in his loafers 24/7, 365 days/year. It was a natural fit.
Where did you grow up?
Fatima grew up in Brooklyn, New York. Brian grew up in Connecticut.
Who likes to cook?
We both do! However, Fatima is the chef-extraordinaire, while Brian’s specialty is baking.
Do you blog full-time?
Lilies and Loafers is our side hustle passion project. We do all of this around our full-time jobs/parenting: Fatima works in Financial Reporting and Brian does content planning and programming strategy. We use sidebar advertising, affiliate links, and sponsored posts to keep the blog’s lights on (i.e. hosting and security, groceries, etc).
Can we use your photo and recipe?
We put a lot of work into our photos and ask that you don’t use them without our permission. Email us at [email protected]. If you’re interested in reposting our content, we ask that you only use a photo. Please credit us and link back to the original post.
What is the best way to get in touch with you?
Feel free to contact us here with any questions or comments. We get a lot of email and we try to answer every one, however, send us a tweet for a faster response!
Thanks for stopping by and we hope you enjoy your time here!
Are the plans for your diy/kitchen helper available?
We don’t have plans to our specific stool. I linked to plans we used in the post: https://www.instructables.com/How-to-Build-a-Toddler-Kitchen-Helper-Stool-for-30/?linkId=80832639
Seems like a great blog.
LOVE THIS BLOG! I am currently a student and will be starting full time work at a public accounting firm in June. I love cooking, especially on a budget 🙂 I’ll be sure to check back here soon!